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Aspire Physiotherapy Claremont provides assessment, diagnosis and treatment services for a variety of acute, chronic and complex upper limb injuries and/or presentations.

Here are some of the common conditions that present to our rooms:

  • Shoulder: bursitis, impingement presentations, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff lesions/tendinopathy, acromial-clavicular (AC) joint injuries

  • Shoulder dislocation – post dislocation rehabilitation

  • Elbow/wrist and hand: Golfer’s and Tennis Elbow, tendinopathy, ligament sprains, fractures

  • Post-operative rehabilitation


  • Severe pain

  • Can affect sleeping patterns

  • Limit range of motion and activities of daily living

  • Cause headaches/migraines

  • Can contribute or cause neck and upper back pain

  • Muscle fatigue on inactivation

  • Postural influences of the spine, shoulder blade and arm


  • Golfer’s Elbow (muscle on the bottom)

  • Tennis Elbow (muscles on top)

  • Overuse/repetitive strain injuries

  • Pain, tenderness, pulling, sharp, heaviness pain

  • Reduced grip strength

  • Pain with turning your palm up and down


  • Wrist sprains

  • Fractures

  • Pain with repetitive tasks

  • Pain with heavy objects


  • Fractures

  • Sport Injuries – fingers/thumbs

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

Shoulder presentation examples:

Sub acromial bursitis/inflammation, shoulder ‘impingement’ presentations all tend to present with altered movement patterns and smooth coordinated rhythm between your upper back, shoulder blade and arm. The muscles known as the rotator cuff (4 muscles) their role is to stabilise the shoulder blade with arm mobility. However, if these movements are not synchronised and the muscles fail to activate appropriately, surrounding structures can be compressed and over time with repetitive daily tasks can get worse, and function will reduce. The most common movements that tend to be painful is over head activity and rotation of the arm. Here at Aspire Physiotherapy Claremont we can individualise our treatment to help eliminate your pain and make you move and feel better.


Elbow presentation examples:

The most commonly known presentations of the elbow pain are golfer’s elbow pain/discomfort localised to the muscles that flex your wrist/fingers (curl) and tennis elbow pain/discomfort localised to the muscles that extend your wrist/fingers (fan your fingers/wrist upwards). Most patients that attend Aspire Physiotherapy Claremont with these have performed repetitive tasks such as computer work, chopping, working with tools, repetitively lifting or playing sport. Here at Aspire Physiotherapy Claremont we can individualise our treatment alleviate your symptoms, offload the muscles/tendons that are in pain make you move and feel better.

Wrist/Hand presentation example:

De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis is a presentation related to pain and swelling within the thumb. This is painful due as the tendons in the thumb are inflamed and compressed causing pain manipulation of objects, pinching and gripping. Here at Aspire Physiotherapy Claremont we can educate you movements to avoid and positions to alleviate your symptoms and offload the sore tendons to allow them to settle.


Relevant anatomy: Click on the links of each joint below 

Shoulder and collar bone anatomy

Glenohumeral Joint anatomy – (shoulder blade and arm)

Elbow Anatomy

Wrist and Finger Anatomy


To discuss any queries with our Physiotherapist or to book an appointment please call 0458 875 616 or you can book online BOOK ONLINE

Upper Limb Conditions

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